Season 1, Episode 5: Humanizing the Fight for Racial Truth Telling in Schools

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In This Episode:

In this episode, Podcast Series Co-hosts Drs. Commodore and Johnson talk with scholars and those on the front lines of the push back against empowering the next generation and restricting factual teaching in K-12 and beyond. Access the full episode transcript (.pdf).


Ka'Dijah Brown


Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education

Dr. Lori Patton Davis

Professor and Department Chair

The Ohio State University

Dr. Camika Royal

Associate Professor of Urban Education

Loyola University, Maryland

Suggested Media

  • Patton, L. D. (2016). Disrupting postsecondary prose: Toward a critical race theory of higher education. Urban Education, 51(3), 315-342.
  • Patton, L. D., & Haynes, C. (2020). Dear White people: Reimagining Whiteness in the struggle for racial equity. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 52(2
  • Royal, C. (2022). Not Paved for Us: Black Educators and Public School Reform in Philadelphia. Harvard Education Press.
  • Royal, C., & Gibson, S. (2017). They schools: Culturally relevant pedagogy under siege. Teachers College Record, 119(1), 1-25.
  • López, F., Molnar, A., Johnson, R.M, Patterson, A., Ward, L., & Kumashiro, K. (2021). Understanding the Attacks on Critical Race Theory. National Education Policy Center.
  • López, F., Johnson, R. M., Patterson, A. N., & Ward, L. W. How Do Education Researchers Contest the Anti-Critical Race Theory Propaganda?. Teachers College Record.

About the 2022 Presidential Podcast Season "Humanizing Higher Education"

Our global society has experienced a historic and debilitating health pandemic that heightened issues of justice and inequality that already existed throughout all microcosms of society, including education. We find ourselves at another historic inflection point in the aftermath of what we hope was the worst of the global pandemic. The trauma and hurt we have experienced over the last two and a half years and centuries before now require healing and new, liberating approaches to being, doing, and knowing.

In this podcast series, co-hosts Drs. Felecia Commodore and Royel Johnson invite scholar leaders to collectively think about what it means (and does not) to Humanize Higher Education, the conference theme and call to action ASHE 2022 President Dr. Joy Gaston Gayles has set for the membership of the 46-year-old association of higher education scholars. We hope to learn from invited scholars how to use, harness, and evoke humanizing values and practices to study educational problems.