Conference Committee
The Conference Committee fosters collaboration and alignment among committees and groups to enhance the Annual Conference experience and related events.
As the Annual Conference and related events continue to grow, coordination amongst the various committees and groups that impact the conference experience is imperative. As such, in-line with the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, a Conference Committee was created beginning in 2023 to ensure alignment amongst the various events and projects connected to the Annual Conference. The Conference Committee serves to facilitate dialogue and communication amongst and between the various aspects of the annual conference.
Please e-mail with any conference questions and the ASHE Staff will respond or direct your e-mail to the appropriate Leadership Volunteer.
Committee Structure
The Conference Committee consists of a Chair and Co-Chairs of the following in-group committees: Attendee Engagement, Local and Community Engagement, and Program Committee. Current members of these roles are listed after the following committee information.
Attendee Engagement Committee
The Attendee Engagement Committee will develop resources and opportunities for conference attendees to more fully engage with the conference and each other, and serve as ambassadors of the Association for the continuum of first-time attendees to long-time returners to the annual conference.
For more information about this year's Attendee Engagement Committee, visit
Local and Community Engagement Committee
The Local and Community Engagement Committee (LCEC) will guide ASHE in centering Indigeneity, space, place, and people by engaging with local Indigenous communities, local BIPOC communities, and higher education institutions in the location of the annual conference and by developing resources and opportunities for conference attendees to more fully engage with the conference location.
For more information about this year's Local and Community Engagement Committee, visit
Program Committee
The Program Committee will be responsible for crafting the content for the peer-reviewed portion of the program for the annual conference by soliciting proposal submissions through the Call for Proposals and facilitating the peer review process including soliciting and selecting volunteers, and reviewing, and selecting proposals for the Annual Conference.
For more information about this year's Program Committee, visit
Conference Committee Leadership Team
Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Belonging Central Michigan University (989)774-3700Conference Committee Chair
Associate Director of Conference and Events Association for the Study of Higher Education (202)925-5935Staff Partner
Assistant Professor & Associate Director Colorado State UniversityAttendee Engagement Committee Co-Chair
Assistant Professor The Pennsylvania State University (330)360-9091Attendee Engagement Committee Co-Chair
Associate Professor & Associate Director of Equity and Faculty Development Colorado State University (970)491-6812Local and Community Engagement Committee Co-Chair
Associate Professor Virginia Tech (540)231-9725Program Committee Co-Chair
Associate Professor San Diego State UniversityProgram Committee Co-Chair