CEP Bylaws
Purposes and Procedures for the Council for Ethnic Participation
A Standing Council of
The Association for the Study of Higher Education
CEP Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be the Council for Ethnic Participation (hereafter called CEP).
The CEP shall be a standing council of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (hereafter the “Association”). The primary purpose of the CEP will be to facilitate ethnic participation in the affairs of the Association. Annual reports, with or without recommendations, shall be submitted to the Association’s Board of Directors.
Membership in the CEP shall consist of members of the Association dedicated to the advancement of the concept of inclusiveness. Voting will be limited to members of record--those members of the Association who have provided contact information to CEP and/or those in attendance at an annual CEP meeting.
The operating expenses of the CEP shall be met by funds made available by the Association. Additional financial support may be provided by external funding initiatives (e.g., foundations, governmental agencies). A proposed budget based on total funds available will be presented for approval at the annual meeting of the Association’s Executive Board. The financial year of the council shall be from January 1 to December 31 inclusive.
Section 1: CEP Officers – CEP officers shall be as follows:
The Chair should hold a terminal degree.
Chair Elect
The Chair Elect should hold a terminal degree.
Immediate Past Chair
Graduate Student Representative
The Graduate Student Representative should be a graduate student member of ASHE.
Section 2: Executive Committee
An executive committee shall be appointed by the Chair to serve as a consultation body for issues pertinent to the CEP. The executive committee membership will consist of, but not be exclusive to, CEP officers and subcommittee chairs. There will also be an advisory board of past CEP officers and other Council members.
Section 3: Election Process and Terms of CEP Officers
The Chair shall serve a one-year term as Chair Elect, a two-year term as Chair, and a one-year term as Immediate Past Chair. The Secretary will serve a two-year term. The Graduate Student Representative will serve a one-year term. In the event the officer cannot complete their term, the CEP advisory committee may appoint a member of the Council to fill the unexpired term. If the remainder of the term is more than one year, nominations will be accepted electronically. Voting will then proceed in the same manner outlined below.
Nominations for CEP officer positions shall occur triennially annually and will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting of the CEP and by electronic nomination at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting or electronic ballot. Individuals in attendance shall vote on nominees for each position at the annual meeting or by electronic ballot. In the case of an electronic ballot, a majority of members voting will prevail.
Section 4: Duties of the CEP Officers and Advisory Committee
Chair. It shall be the responsibility of the Chair to oversee the various functions of the CEP and to report and communicate with the Board of the Association on the needs of CEP members, programs and activities. The Chair will present to the Board an annual budget request to support CEP programs and activities.
Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect shall work closely with the Chair to learn the duties of the Chair; shall assist the Chair in carrying out the business of the CEP; and shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
Secretary. The secretary shall record and maintain the minutes from the annual meetings of the CEP. This position will also be responsible for correspondence to the general membership.
Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee serves the chair as agents for decision-making and functions as the official corpus on controversial matters.
Immediate Past Chair. The Past Chair will serve as consultant to the Council on business matters will work closely with the Chair to oversee activities that will further the objectives and aims of the CEP.
Graduate Student Representative. The Graduate Student Representative shall advocate for interests and perspectives of graduate students on the Executive Committee and advise the Chair on matters of importance to graduate students. The Graduate Student Representative will also help manage the Council’s social media.
Section 1:
At least one regular meeting of the CEP will be held each year and shall be known as the Annual Meeting. The meeting shall be held on a date and at a place corresponding with the Association conference. The attendees at that meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of conducting Council business.
Section 2:
Special Committees shall meet at the direction of the Chair.
Section 3:
All meetings of the CEP, its Advisory Committee, and its Special Committees shall be open to any member of the Council. Any member will be entitled to bring before such meetings any item of business appropriate to the functioning and/or jurisdiction of the body assembled at a time provided by the Chair. Notification of such intent must be made to the presiding officer prior to the scheduled meeting.
Section 1:
These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the CEP members present at the Annual Meeting or by electronic vote. (1) The amendments shall be placed before the CEP Chair and Advisory Committee at least three months before the meeting at which such amendment is acted upon; and (2) the amendment or amendments shall be distributed to the CEP membership of record no later than 30 days prior to the annual business meeting.
Section 2:
These By-Laws or its amendments may not be in conflict with the by-laws of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, or the rules and regulations for its constituent bodies.
*Amendments approved by CEP on November 13, 2019 and the ASHE Board of Directors March 27, 2020. Amendments were to (1) add a Graduate Student Representative to the Executive Committee and (2) adjust the term of the Chair from a total of 6 years to a total of 4 years (1 as Chair Elect, 2 as Chair, 1 as Immediate Past Chair)