Higher Education Report
Between 1983 and 2018, the ASHE Higher Education Report Series (formerly ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports, 1972-1982) provided researchers, scholars, and practitioners with timely and substantive information on the critical issues facing higher education.
Each monograph presented a definitive analysis of a higher education problem or issue, based on a thorough synthesis of significant literature and institutional experiences. Topics ranged from planning and diversity to performance indicators and curricular innovations.
The series linked the higher education research and practice to inform decision making and policy in a format designed to help busy individuals keep up with the higher education literature. Authored by scholars and practitioners in the academic community, each report included an executive summary, review of pertinent literature, descriptions of effective educational practices, and a summary of key issues to consider in efforts to improve educational policies and practice.
Members of a National Advisory Board of ASHE scholars and practitioners provided peer review of invited manuscripts. On average, six monographs, each approximately 120 pages in lengths, were published each year through Jossey-Bass and John Wiley & Sons publishers, and are available online to subscribing institutions through Wiley InterScience. The series was guided by editors Kelly Ward, Lisa Wolf-Wendel, Adriana Kezar, And John D. Fife its 35-year history.
- Homelessness and Housing Insecurity in Higher Education: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Research, Policy, and Practice
- Learning Analytics in Higher Education
- Collegiality and the Collegium in an Era of Faculty Differentiation
- Campus Unions: Organized Faculty and Graduate Students in U.S. Higher Education
- Faculty Members' Scholarly Learning Across Institutional Types
- Mentoring Undergraduate Students
- Whiteness in Higher Education: The Invisible Missing Link in Diversity and Racial Analyses
- Social Media in Higher Education
- Rethinking Cultural Competence in Higher Education: An Ecological Framework for Student Development
- On the Fast Track: Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of Dual Credit
- Realizing General Education: Reconsidering Conceptions and Renewing Practice
- Racism and Racial Equity in Higher Education
- Parent and Family Engagement in Higher Education
- The "Front Porch": Examining the Increasing Interconnection of University and Athletic Department Funding
- Affirmative Action at a Crossroads: Fisher and Forward
- Critical Race Theory in Higher Education: 20 Years of Theoretical and Research Innovations
- Public Policy and Higher Education: Strategies for Framing a Research Agenda
- Revenue Generation Strategies: Leveraging Higher Education Resources for Increased Income
- Student Engagement Online: What Works and Why
- Part-Time on the Tenure Track
- Representing "U": Popular Culture, Media, and Higher Education
- Black Male Collegians: Increasing Access, Retention, and Persistence in Higher Education
- Community-University Engagement: A Process for Building Democratic Communities
- Asian Americans in Higher Education: Charting New Realities
- The Influence of Fraternity and Sorority Involvement: A Critical Analysis of Research (1996-2013)
- Allies for Inclusion: Disability and Equity in Higher Education
- Cultivating Leader Identity and Capacity in Students from Diverse Backgrounds
- Understanding Institutional Diversity in American Higher Education
- Performance Funding for Higher Education: What Are the Mechanisms? What Are the Impacts?
- Latinos in Higher Education and Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Creating Conditions for Success
- Immigrant Students and Higher Education
- The Ecology of College Readiness
- Study Abroad in a New Global Century: Renewing the Promise, Refining the Purpose
- Assessing Meaning Making and Self-Authorship: Theory, Research, and Application
- Engaging Diversity in Undergraduate Classrooms: A Pedagogy for Developing Intercultural Competence
- Creating a Tipping Point: Strategic Human Resources in Higher Education
- Qualitative Inquiry for Equity in Higher Education: Methodological Innovations, Implications, and Interventions
- Postsecondary Education for American Indian and Alaska Natives: Higher Education for Nation Building and Self-Determination
- Stonewall's Legacy: Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Students in Higher Education
- Veterans in Higher Education: When Johnny and Jane Come Marching to Campus
- Philanthropy and Fundraising in American Higher Education
- Women's Status in Higher Education: Equity Matters
- Racial and Ethnic Minority Students' Success in STEM Education
- Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in Higher Education: Theories and Tensions
- Understanding the New Majority of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in Higher Education: Demographics, Experiences, and Plans of Action
- The Global Growth of Private Higher Education
- Partnerships and Collaborations in Higher Education
- Foundations of Educational Inequality: Cultural Capital and Social Reproduction
- Access at the Crossroads: Learning Assistance in Higher Education
- Unearthing Promise and Potential: Our Nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- College Choice and Access to College: Moving Policy, Research, and Practice to the 21st Century
- Ethnic and Racial Administrative Diversity: Understanding Work Life Realities and Experiences in Higher Education
- Understanding Interdisciplinary Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education
- Bridging the Diversity Divide: Globalization and Reciprocal Empowerment in Higher Education
- The Development of Doctoral Students: Phases of Challenge and Support
- The Entrepreneurial Domains of American Higher Education
- Intellectual Property in the Information Age: Knowledge as Commodity and Its Legal Implications for Higher Education
- Faculty Careers and Work Lives: A Professional Growth Perspective
- Selling Higher Education: Marketing and Advertising America's Colleges and Universities
- Theoretical Perspectives on Student Success: Understanding the Contributions of the Disciplines
- Parental Involvement in Higher Education: Understanding the Relationship Among Students, Parents, and the Institution
- Academic Integrity in the Twenty-First Century: A Teaching and Learning Imperative
- Reinventing Undergraduate Education: Engaging College Students in Research and Creative Activities
- Economically and Educationally Challenged Students in Higher Education: Access to Outcomes
- Christian Faith and Scholarship: An Exploration of Contemporary Developments
- Are the Walls Really Down? Behavioral and Organizational Barriers to Faculty and Staff Diversity
- Community College Faculty: Overlooked and Undervalued
- Piecing Together the Student Success Puzzle: Research, Propositions, and Recommendations
- Intergroup Dialogue in Higher Education: Meaningful Learning About Social Justice
- Diversity Leadership in Higher Education
- Lifelong Learning and the Academy: The Changing Nature of Continuing Education
- Cost-Efficiencies in Online Learning
- Rethinking the "L" Word in Higher Education
- From Main Street to Wall Street: The Transformation of For-Profit Education
- Professionalizing the Graduate Education: The Master's Degree in the Marketplace
- Liberal Arts Colleges and Liberal Arts Education: New Evidence on Impacts
- The Uses of Institutional Culture: Strengthening Identification and Building Brand Equity in Higher Education
- The Challenge of Diversity: Involvement or Alienation in the Academy?
- Beyond Grade Inflation: Grading Problems in Higher Education
- Who Calls the Shots? Sports and University Leadership, Culture, and Decision Making
- Accreditation Matters
- Understanding and Reducing College Student Departure
- Retaining Minority Students in Higher Education
- Governance in the Twenty-First-Century University: Approaches to Effective Leadership and Strategic Management
- Identity Development of Diverse Populations: Implications for Teaching and Administration in Higher Education
- Faculty Service Roles and the Scholarship of Engagement
- Quality in Distance Education: Focus on On-Line Learning
- Transforming the Curriculum: Preparing Students for a Changing World
- Institutionalizing a Broader View of Scholarship Through Boyer's Four Domains
- Ensuring Quality and Productivity in Higher Education: An Analysis of Assessment Practices
- Facilitating Students' Collaborative Writing
- Cost Containment in Higher Education: Issues and Recommendations
- Understanding and Facilitating Organizational Change in the 21st Century: Recent Research and Conceptualizations
- Socialization of Graduate and Professional Students in Higher Education: A Perilous Passage?
- Faculty Compensation Systems: Impact on the Quality of Higher Education
- The Changing Nature of the Academic Deanship
- Academic Departments
- Women and Minority Faculty in the Academic Workplace
- Digital Dilemma
- Posttenure Faculty Development
- Grading Students' Classroom Writing
- Academic Departments
- Successful Faculty Development and Evaluation: The Complete Teaching Portfolio
- Models for Improving College Teaching: A Faculty Resource
- Benchmarking in Higher Education: Adapting Best Practices to Improve Quality
- Enhancing Student Learning
- Empowering the Faculty: Mentoring Redirected and Renewed
- Taking Teaching Seriously: Meeting the Challenge of Instructional Improvement
- Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment: Legal and Administrative Implications
- Student Learning Outside the Classroom: Transcending Artificial Boundaries
- Redesigning Higher Education
- A New Alliance: Continuous Quality and Classroom Effectiveness
- Measuring Up: The Promises and Pitfalls of Performance Indicators in Higher Education
- The Development Officer in Higher Education: Toward and Understanding of the Role
- Prices, Productivity, and Investment: Assessing Financial Strategies in Higher Education
- Collaborative Peer Review: The Role of Faculty in Improving College Teaching
- The Advisory Committee Advantage: Creating an Effective Strategy for Programmatic Improvement
- Making Sense of the Dollars: The Costs and Uses of Faculty Compensation
- Chicanos in Higher Education: Issues and Dilemmas for the 21st Century
- The Department Chair: New Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges
- Crossing Pedagogical Oceans: International Teaching Assistants in U.S. Undergraduate Education
- Instituting Enduring Innovations: Achieving Continuity of Change in Higher Education
- Creating Distinctiveness: Lessons from Uncommon Colleges and Universities
- Reconciling Rights and Responsibilities of Colleges and Students: Offensive Speech, Assembly, Drug Testing, and Safety
- Quality: Transforming Postsecondary Education
- Preparing for a Global Community: Achieving an International Perspective in Higher Education
- The Leadership Compass: Values and Ethics in Higher Education
- Faculty Collaboration: Enhancing the Quality of Scholarship and Teaching
- Meeting the Mandate: Renewing the College and Departmental Curriculum
- High School-College Partnership: Conceptual Models, Programs and Issues
- Cooperative Learning: Increasing College Faculty Instructional Productivity
- Realizing Gender Equality in Higher Education: The Need to Integrate Work/Family Issues
- Social Consciousness and Career Awareness: Emerging Link in Higher Education
- Pursuing Diversity: Recruiting College Minority Students
- College Choice: Understanding Student Enrollment Behavior
- Proprietary School: Programs, Policies, and Prospects
- Budgeting for Higher Education at the State Level: Enigma, Paradox, and Ritual
- High-risk Students and Higher Education: Future Trends
- The Emeritus Professor: Old Rank - New Meaning
- Renewing Civic Capacity: Preparing College Students for Service and Citizenship
- The Student-as-Commuter: Developing a Comprehensive Institutional Response
- Student Goals for College and Courses: A Missing Link in Assessing and Improving Academic Achievement
- The Challenge of Diversity, Involvement or Alienation in the Academy
- The Old College Try, Balancing Academics and Athletics in Higher Education
- Postsecondary Development Programs: A Traditional Agenda with New Imperatives
- Affirmative Rhetoric, Negative Action: African-American and Hispanic Faculty at Predominantly White Institutions
- Making Sense of Administrative Leadership: The 'L' Word in Higher Education
- The Challenge for Research in Higher Education: Harmonizing Excellence and Utility
- Planning for Microcomputers in Higher Education: Strategies for the Next Generation
- Entrepreneurship and Higher Education: Lessons for Colleges, Universities, and Industry
- Higher Education and State Governments: Renewed Partnership, Cooperation, or Competition?
- Peer Teaching: To Teach is To Learn Twice
- Developing Academic Programs: The Climate for Innovation
- Critical Thinking: Theory, Research, Practice, and Possibilities
- The Invisible Tapestry: Culture in American Colleges and Universities
- Opportunity from Strength: Strategic Planning Clarified with Case Examples
- College Student Outcomes Assessment: A Talent Development Perspective
- Higher Education and the Public Trust: Improving Stature in Colleges and Universities
- Higher Education Leadership: Enhancing Skills through Professional Developmental Programs
- Learning Styles: Implications for Improving Educational Practices
- Formal Recognition of Employer-Sponsored Instruction: Conflict and Collegiality in Postsecondary Education
- Working Effectively with Trustees: Building Cooperative Campus Leadership
- Incentive Early Retirement Programs for Faculty: Innovative Responses to a Changing Environment
- Selecting College and University Personnel: The Quest and the Questions
- The College, the Constitution, and the Consumer Student: Implications for Policy and Practice
- The Master's Degree: Tradition, Diversity, Innovation
- Student Financial Aid and Women: Equity Dilemma?
- Increasing Students' Learning: A Faculty Guide to Reducing Stress among Students
- Responsive Professional Education: Balancing Outcomes and Opportunities
- Blue Ribbon Commissions and Higher Education: Changing Academe from the Outside
- Post-tenure Faculty Evaluation: Threat or Opportunity
- Faculty Participation in Decision Making: Necessity of Luxury?
- Serving More Than Students: A Critical Need for College Student Personnel Services
- Students in Urban Settings: Achieving the Baccalaureate Degree
- And on the Seventh Day: Faculty Consulting and Supplemental Income
- Associations in Action: The Washington, D.C., Higher Education Community
- Flexibility in Academic Staffing: Effective Policies and Practices
- Faculty Workload: Research, Theory, and Interpretation
- Futures Research and the Strategic Planning Process: Implications for Higher Education
- Academic Libraries: The Changing Knowledge Centers of Colleges and Universities
- Employee Educational Programs: Implications for Industry and Higher Education
- The High-Technology Connection: Academic/Industrial Cooperation for Economic Growth
- Faculty, Freedoms, and Institutional Accountability: Interactions and Conflicts
- Part-Time Faculty: Higher Education at a Crossroads
- Adult Learning: State Policies and Institutional Practices
- Academic Employment and Retrenchment: Judicial Review and Administrative Action
- Public Service in Higher Education: Practices and Priorities
- Competence, Admissions, and Articulation: Returning to the Basics in Higher Education
- Serving Learners at a Distance: A Guide to Program Practices
- Raising Academic Standards: A Guide to Learning Improvement
- Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Fair Employment: Obligations and Opportunities
- The Path to Excellence: Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- The Department Chair: Professional Development and Role Conflict
- Government Support for Minority Participation in Higher Education
- Information Systems and Technological Decisions: A Guide for Nontechnical Administrators
- The Process of Change in Higher Education Institutions
- State Planning, Budgeting, and Accountability: Approaches for Higher Education
- Planning for Program Discontinuance from Default to Design
- Improving Instruction: Issues and Alternatives for Higher Education
- Enrollments in the Eighties Factors, Actors, and Impacts
- Faculty Evaluation: The Use of Explicit Criteria for Promotion, Retention, and Tenure
- Rating College Teaching: Criterion Validity Studies of Student Evaluation-of-Instruction Instruments
- Organizational Communication and Higher Education
- Assessing the Impact of Faculty Collective Bargaining
- Financial Analysis for Academic Units
- Computer Literacy in Higher Education
- Marketing in Higher Education
- Indices of Quality in the Undergraduate Experience
- Functional Literacy in the College Setting
- Institutional Advancement Strategies in Hard Times
- Minority Access to Higher Education
- University Reform: An International Perspective
- The Financing of Public Higher Education: Low Tuition, Student Aid, and The Federal Government
- Student Retention Strategies
- Politics of Higher Education
- Accreditation: History, Process, and Problems
- A Question of Quality: The Higher Education Ratings Game
- Liberal Education in Transition
- Volume 9, Issue 2
- Adult Baccalaureate Programs
- Professional Education in the Eighties: Challenges and Responses
- Academic Advising: Getting Us Through the Eighties
- Occupational Programs in Four-Year Colleges: Trends and Issues
- The Three "R's" of the Eighties: Reduction, Reallocation and Retrenchment
- Budgeting in Higher Education
- Old Expectations, New Realities The Academic Professional Revisited
- Women in Academe: Steps to Greater Equality
- Interdisciplinarity: The Mutable Paradigm
- Designing and Evaluating Higher Education Curricula
- Lords, Squires, and Yeomen: Collegiate Middle-Managers and Their Organizations
- Compliance with Federal Regulations: At What Cost?
- Collective Bargaining in Four-Year Colleges: Impact on Institutional Practice
- Small Liberal Arts Colleges: Diversity at the Crossroads?
- To Improve Instruction
- Basic Skills Programs: Are They Working?
- Manpower Studies in Postsecondary Education
- Governing Board and Administrator Liability
- Concepts of Career and General Education
- Graduate Education in the 1970's
- Alternative Tuition Systems
- Quantitative Approaches to Higher Education Management: Potential, Limits, and Challenge
- Higher Education Opportunity: A Decade of Progress
- Federal Regulation and Higher Education
- Student Rights, Decisionmaking, and the Law
- Accreditation and Institutional Eligibility
- Faculty Development and Evaluation in Higher Education
- The Socialization Process in Higher Education
- Enrollment Trends in Higher Education
- Private Higher Education and Public Funding
- State Boards of Higher Education
- Academic Power in the United States: Comparative Historic and Structural Perspectives
- Higher Education and the Economy
- The Implications of Federal Education Policy
- Premises and Programs for a Learning Society
- Opportunity Programs for the Disadvantaged in Higher Education
- Emerging Sources of Student Influence
- Rationales for Experiential Education
- Academic Credit for Prior Off-Campus Learning
- Educational Auditing and Voluntary Institutional Accrediting
- College Trustees: A Question of Legitimacy
- Private Colleges: Present Conditions and Future Prospects
- Time Shortened Degrees
- Faculty Workload: Facts, Myths and Commentary
- The Personalized System of Instruction: An Educational Alternative
- Higher Education and the Steady State
- How Much Change for a Dollar? A Look at Title III
- The "Benefits Crisis" in Higher Education
- The Impact of the Academic Revolution on Faculty Careers
- A Matter of Degree: The Setting for Contemporary Master's Programs
- Strategies for Improving College Teaching
- A Current Perspective on Accreditation
- Affirmative Action: Women Rights on Campus
- Who Benefits from Higher Education-- and Who Should Pay?
- The No. 2 Access Problem: Transfer to the Upper Divison
- State Aid to Private Higher Education
- Collective Bargaining on Campus
- Accountability in Higher Education
- The Student in Graduate School