CAHEP Bylaws
Purposes and Procedures for Council for the Advancement of Higher Education Programs - A Standing Committee of the Association for the Study of Higher Education
The name of this organization shall be the Council for the Advancement of Higher Education Program (hereafter the "Council").
The Council shall be a standing committee of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (hereafter the "Association"). The primary purpose of the Council will be to enrich the teaching and learning experiences of students and faculty in the Association's constituent Higher Education programs and advance scholarship related to program development, coordination, and leadership.
It shall be the duty of the Council to advance the welfare of degree programs in the United States and Canada, and to bring forth such recommendations as it sees fit before the Association. Annual reports, with or without recommendations, shall be submitted to the Association's Board of Directors.
Membership in the Council shall consist of members of the Association interested in the advancement of Higher Education programs, particularly including the Directors of existing Higher Education Programs.
The operating expenses of the Council shall be met by funds made available through registration fees and by the Association. Additional financial support may be provided by external funding initiatives (e.g., foundations, governmental agencies, higher education institutions). A proposed budget based on total funds available will be presented for approval at the annual meeting of the Council's Executive Board. The financial year of the council shall be from December 1 to November 30 inclusive.
Section 1: Council Officers
Council officers shall be as follows:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Finance Officer
- Program Chair
- Communications Chair
- Early Career Workshop Chair
- Mid-Career Workshop Chair
- Academic Leaders Workshop Chair
- Graduate Student Programming Chairs
Section 2: Executive Committee Composition
Council Officers will form the Executive Committee of the Council to plan and direct the activities of the Council.
- The Chair of the Council shall be elected by ballot by the Council through the regular ASHE election process and officially appointed by the President of the Association for the Study of Higher Education and shall serve for a three-year term. The Chair may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
- The Vice Chair of the Council shall be elected by ballot by the Council membership through the regular ASHE election process and shall serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- The Secretary of the Council shall be elected by ballot by the Council membership through the regular ASHE election process and shall serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- The Finance Officer of the Council shall be elected by ballot by the Council through the regular ASHE election process and serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- The Program Chair shall be elected by ballot by the Council through the regular ASHE election process and serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- The Communication Chair shall be elected by ballot by the Council through the regular ASHE election process and serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- The Early Career Workshop Chair shall be elected by ballot by the Council membership through the regular ASHE election process and serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- The Mid-Career Workshop Chair shall be elected by ballot by the Council membership through the regular ASHE election process and serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- The Academic Leaders Workshop Chair shall be elected by ballot by the Council membership through the regular ASHE election process and serve a three-year term, but not more than two consecutive terms.
- Two Graduate Student Programming Chairs shall be elected by ballot by the Council membership through the regular ASHE election process and serve a two-year term, and not more than one term.
Section 3: Nominations for and Resignations from the Executive Committee
- The members of the Executive Committee are the elected officers of the Council. A Nominations Committee of three, appointed by the CAHEP Executive Committee, will develop a call for nominations for the Council officer positions. From that call, the Nominations Committee will develop a slate of nominees for each position on the Executive Committee and submit these nominations to the ASHE office to proceed through the ASHE election process.
- In the event of the resignation or absence of any member for three or more consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may select a temporary person for the position until an election can be held.
Section 4: Duties of Executive Committee Members
- Chair. It shall be the responsibility of the Chair to oversee the various functions of the Council and to report and communicate with the Board of the Association on the needs of Higher Education programs and Council programs and activities. In consultation with the Vice Chair, the Chair will prepare the agenda for the annual meeting of the Council and send to the Board bi-annual reports with regard to Council programs and activities.
- Vice Chair. The Vice Chair will be responsible for the Barbara Townsend Lecture at the annual meeting. The Vice Chair will fulfill the responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- Secretary. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to record the proceedings at the annual business meeting and the meetings of the Executive Council throughout the year.
- Finance Chair. It is the responsibility of the Finance Chair to track the current state of the budget and inform the CAHEP Executive Council as needed to inform decision-making.
- Program Chair. Program Chair is responsible for the pre-conference program of the annual ASHE meeting.
- Communications Chair. This position is responsible for managing and updating the CAHEP website, program directory, ASHE listserv, and social media accounts.
- Early Career Workshop Chair: This position is responsible for the planning and execution of the Early Career Workshop held annually as part of the ASHE professional development efforts.
- Mid-Career Workshop Chair: This position is responsible for the planning and execution of the Mid-Career Workshop held annually as part of the ASHE professional development efforts.
- Academic Leaders Workshop Chair: This position is responsible for the planning and execution of the Academic Leaders Workshop held annually as part of the ASHE professional development efforts.
- Graduate Student Programming Chairs: These positions are responsible for supporting relevant programming aligned with the Council’s mission. They will also serve on committees as mutually agreed upon.
Section 1
At least one regular meeting of the Council and its Executive Committee to be held each year shall be known as the Annual Meeting, and shall be held on a date and at a place corresponding with the Association conference. The attendees at that meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of conducting Council business.
Section 2
Special meetings of the Council shall be called at the discretion of the Chair. Email notice of such meetings shall be sent out by the Communications Chair.
Section 3
The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or at the request of a majority of the members of the Council or Executive Board.
Section 4
Special Committees shall meet at the direction of the Chair or the Committee Chairperson.
Section 5
All meetings of the Council, its Executive Committee, and its Special Committees shall be open to any member of the Council. Any member will be privileged to bring before such meetings any item of business appropriate to the functioning and/or jurisdiction of the body assembled at a time provided by the Chair or chairperson of the body. Notification of such intent must be made to the presiding officer prior to the scheduled meeting.
Section 1
These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the Council members responding to an Email ballot within a time limit set by the Executive Committee, or by a two-thirds vote of the Council members present at the Annual Business Meeting. Either circumstance is permissible provided the amendments are approved by the Executive Committee before the annual meeting at which the amendments are acted upon. Once approved by the Executive Committee, the bylaws amendments shall be submitted to the ASHE Board for approval.
Section 2
These By-Laws or its amendments may not be in conflict with the Constitution of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, or the rules and regulations for its constituent bodies.
Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on March 9, 2023