ASHE Bylaws

Bylaws of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (as of 01.20.2023)


Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 08.22.2019
Clarifies appointment of associate editors of ASHE publications

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors 11.14.2019
Creates the ASHE Professional Development Committee

Technical amendments made by the Executive Director on 01.17.2020
Removes gendered pronouns and aligns verbs related.

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approve by the ASHE Board of Directors on 03.10.2020
Names Executive Directors as corporate secretary and treasurer

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approve by the ASHE Board of Directors on 05.13.2020
Add an additional member to the Awards Committee

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approve by the ASHE Board of Directors on 05.13.2020
Removes Graduate Student Policy Seminar (which is now moved under CPPHE)

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 01.15.2021
Reorganizes the Budget Committee and provides additional budgetary autonomy to the Executive Director.

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 06.17.2021
Creates an Ethics Committee and Ethics Appeals Committee.

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 08.20.2021
To update the financial audit requirement of the association as recommended by our accountant and best practices.

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 08.20.2021
To clarify terms of the RHE Editorial Board members.

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 08.20.2021
To add the role of Vice Chair to the Ethics Committee.

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 05.31.2022
To update the ASHE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 05.31.2022
To create an Inclusion, Equity, and Organizational Diversity Committee and add the Chair of the Committee to the Board and Executive Committee

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 10.21.2022
To make the ASHE Mission Statement more inclusive

Amendment to the ASHE Bylaws Approved by the ASHE Board of Directors on 11.28.2022
To create a Vice Chair position on the ASHE Publications Committee.