Important Dates
Stay informed with key dates for the annual conference, including the Call for Proposals, registration timelines, and other important milestones.
*Please note these due dates are subject to change.
Early February | • Call For Proposals sent to ASHE Community. • Conference Portal opens for proposal submissions and volunteer applications. |
Early April | Conference and hotel registration opens. |
Wednesday, April 30, 3pm Denver/Mountain Time |
Proposals and applications to volunteer as a Reviewer, Chair, or Discussant are due. No exceptions will be made to this deadline. Please plan to submit your proposal before the deadline. *Please note that this is an 80+ day window in which you are able to submit your proposal and/or volunteer. This is a hard deadline and there will not be an extension to this deadline and late submissions will not be accepted. |
Early May | Awards nominations open. Please visit the award section in the website navigation for more information about types of awards available for nominations. |
Mid May | Reviewers are notified of assigned proposals and provided a two-week window to complete their reviews. |
Late May | Reviews are due from assigned Reviewer(s). |
Early June | Graduate Student Travel Scholarship applications open. |
Mid June | Bobby Wright Dissertation of the Year and Outstanding Book Award nominations close (remaining awards open through June 30). |
End of June | Award nominations close (excluding Bobby Wright Dissertation of the Year Award and Outstanding Book of the Year Award which are due earlier). |
Early July | • Notification of the decision to accept or not accept proposals. • Notification of Chair and/or Discussant assignments. |
Mid July | Graduate Student Travel Scholarship applications close. |
Thursday, July 31 | Early Registration Ends for the Conference and Pre-Conferences. |
Late July | Tentative Schedule sent to presenters, chairs, and discussants. |
Mid-August | Notifications sent to awardees for Graduate Student Travel Scholarships. |
Mid-August | Conference and Pre-Conference Schedules available. |
Wednesday, September 3, 3pm Mountain/Denver Time |
Presenter, Chair, and Discussant conference registration deadline. If your proposal is accepted and/or if you are assigned as Chair or Discussant, you have a professional and ethical obligation to register for and attend the conference. |
Early October | Announcement of award recipients. |
October 1 | Last day to register to receive a t-shirt with ASHE Dash registration |
Wednesday, October 15 | Regular Registration Ends for the Conference and Pre-Conferences. |
Monday, October 20 | For Virtual Presenters (Virtual Conference Day & CEP Pre-Con Virtual Forum): Final Research and Scholarly Papers (including papers in a Self-Designed session) must be uploaded to the ASHE Conference Portal and PVDS Sessions must upload notes for their Discussant regarding aspects of their presentation they would like feedback on. |
Thursday, October 23 | For Virtual Presenters (Virtual Conference Day & CEP Pre-Con Virtual Forum): PowerPoint Presentations must be uploaded. |
Thursday, October 23 | For In-person Conference and CAHEP, CIHE, and CPPHE Pre-Conference Presenters: Final Research and Scholarly Papers (including papers in a Self-Designed session) must be uploaded to the ASHE Conference Portal and PVDS Sessions must upload notes for their Discussant regarding aspects of their presentation they would like feedback on for in-person conference and pre-conference sessions. |
Wednesday, October 29 | CEP Virtual Pre-Conference Colloquium |
Thursday, October 30 | Virtual Conference Day |
Thursday, October 30 | For In-person Conference and CAHEP, CIHE, and CPPHE Pre-Conference Presenters: PowerPoint Presentations must be uploaded. |
Friday, November 7 | Late Registration ends online. *Late registration after this date must be conducted onsite at the conference in Denver, Colorado. |
Wednesday, November 12 | Pre-Conference Day in Denver, Colorado |
November 12-15 | General Conference in Denver, Colorado |
Calendar last updated on 1/29/2025