Season 1, Episode 2: Designing and Conducting Humanizing Research
In This Episode:
In this episode, Podcast Series Co-hosts Drs. Felecia Commodore and Royel Johnson engage with scholars to understand the importance of designing and conducting ethically and morally responsible research that humanizes people and communities. Access the full episode transcript (.pdf).
Panelists |
Dr. Chayla Haynes Davison Texas A&M University |
Dr. Jessica Decuir-Gunby University of Southern California Rossier School of Education |
Dr. Jason Garvey University of Vermont |
- Boote, D. N., & Beile, P. (2005). Scholars before researchers: On the centrality of the dissertation literature review in research preparation. Educational Researcher, 34(6), 3-15.
- DeCuir-Gunby, J.T., Chapman, T.K., & Schutz, P.A. (Eds.). (2019). Understanding critical race research methods and methodologies: Lessons from the field. NY: Routledge.
- DeCuir-Gunby, J. T. (2020). Using critical race mixed methodology to explore the experiences of African Americans. Educational Psychologist, 55, 244-255.
- Garvey, J. C. (2020). Exploring the role of emotions in assessing queer and trans collegians. In H. K. Ro & E. M. Broido (Eds.), Voices from the margins: Conducting inclusive assessment for minoritized students in higher education (New Directions for Student Services No. 169, pp. 75-85). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Garvey, J. C. (2017). Pedagogical pause: Uncovering the queerness of my classroom emotions. The Vermont Connection, 38, 16-23.
- Haynes, C., Joseph, N. M., Patton, L. D., Stewart, S., & Allen, E. L. (2020). Toward an understanding of intersectionality methodology: A 30-year literature synthesis of Black women’s experiences in higher education. Review of Educational Research, 90(6), 751-787.
- Johnson, R.M., & Strayhorn, T.L. (2022). Examining race and racism in Black men doctoral student socialization: A critical race mixed methods analysis. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance Online publication.
- Savage, S.S., Johnson, R.M., Kenney, A.J., & Haynes, D.D. (2021). Perspectives on conducting humanizing and liberatory qualitative research with racially minoritized youth. Health Care, 9(10), 317.
- Stewart, S., & Haynes, C. (2019). Black Liberation research: Qualitative methodological considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 32(9), 1183-1189.
- “What more can I do? Exploration of critical advocacy research and decision points” featuring Dr. Penny Pasque
About the 2022 Presidential Podcast Season "Humanizing Higher Education"
Our global society has experienced a historic and debilitating health pandemic that heightened issues of justice and inequality that already existed throughout all microcosms of society, including education. We find ourselves at another historic inflection point in the aftermath of what we hope was the worst of the global pandemic. The trauma and hurt we have experienced over the last two and a half years and centuries before now require healing and new, liberating approaches to being, doing, and knowing.
In this podcast series, co-hosts Drs. Felecia Commodore and Royel Johnson invite scholar leaders to collectively think about what it means (and does not) to Humanize Higher Education, the conference theme and call to action ASHE 2022 President Dr. Joy Gaston Gayles has set for the membership of the 46-year-old association of higher education scholars. We hope to learn from invited scholars how to use, harness, and evoke humanizing values and practices to study educational problems.