Season 2, Episode 6: Where Do We Go From Here?

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In This Episode:

Drs. Commodore and Johnson discuss with panelists how they are chartering new possibilities for the future of higher education. Guests offer insight into challenges and opportunities they have encountered while navigating institutional politics to implement transformative research and practice. They share practical recommendations for others seeking to drive change in academia within their spheres of influence.Access the full episode transcript (.pdf).


Dr. Candace Hall

Co-Director, Higher Education Student Affairs Program

Assistant Professor

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Dr. Robin Hughes

Dean, School of Education, Health and Human Behavior


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

About the 2023 Season "Higher Ed Research: Purposes, Politics, & Practices"

Political forces have always shaped higher education whether through legislation, curricular reformation, partisan control of state appropriations to higher education, and private benefactors and philanthropies. What are the forces that are impinging on higher education’s purposes and practices today, and how can (or how should) higher education research direct the course of their effects?

Like our 2023 ASHE Annual Conference, our 2023 podcasts will be dedicated to this question. Our guests will engage with the question to broaden our understanding of and perspectives on what’s at stake for higher education’s purposes and practices now and in the years to come. In this podcast series, our ASHE co-hosts Drs. Felecia Commodore and Royel Johnson will invite scholars and higher education leaders to consider how political forces today affect higher education’s purposes and practices, and the role that we, as higher education researchers, can or should play in addressing these forces.

ASHE’s 2023 President Ana M. Martínez-Alemán invites you to listen to and reflect on these conversations, and to share the insights from our co-hosts and invited guests with your colleagues.