2025 Research Workshops
Learn about the application process to submit a Research Workshop in 2025 to be presented as either a Virtual Workshop or In-Person during the 50th Annual Conference.
Call for Proposals
Since 2019, the ASHE Research Workshops have been a space for ASHE members to engage with and explore cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
For 2025, we are inviting ASHE members to submit proposals to lead Virtual Workshops as well as In-Person Workshops during the Annual Conference.
- Workshops are 2-3 hours in length.
- Attendance is typically capped at 20-25 participants and has been a mix of graduate students, early-career scholars, mid-career scholars, and senior scholars. While the workshops were originally intended to support graduate students who wanted/needed additional methods training, the audiences for these workshops have varied widely.
The ASHE Staff will:
- Set up and host the event registration and manage the workshop check-in process
- Create and host the Zoom Meeting (for virtual sessions)
- Provide a welcome at the beginning of the session (for virtual sessions)
- Manage breakout rooms (for virtual sessions)
- Set up the room and requested AV equipment (for on-site events)
- Manage communications with presenters and attendees (please note that ASHE does not share attendees' contact information with presenters but we can send communication on your behalf when requested)
Proposal Form Information
The proposal form will include:
- Contact Person Name and Email
- Proposed Session Title
- Proposed Session Description (50 words)
- Proposed Session Agenda (2-3 hours of content). Please note that we encourage a blend of presentations with individual and/or group activity.
- Proposed Session Facilitators (Name, Institution, and Brief Bio of each). Please note that a part of the selection of proposals will consider ASHE’s commitment to Inclusion, Equity, and Organizational Diversity. As such, facilitator groups that represent the diversity of the Association are encouraged.
- Are there any pre-read materials you'd like for attendees to review ahead of time or are there any requirements to participate (e.g., specific software)? Neither is required but will need to be included with the registration information.
- Intended knowledge level of participants: Entry, Moderate, Advanced
- Format Preference: Virtual or In-Person
- If you are submitting a proposal for a virtual session, please indicate your preferred dates. Workshops will be held on Fridays beginning at 10:00am Mountain/Denver Time:
- March 14
- March 21
- March 28
- April 4
- April 11
- April 18
- If you are submitting a proposal to host an in-person session, please describe the logistical requirements you need. This should include room set up, AV, etc.
- Do you have specific requests or support needs to help ensure the success of this session?
- Any other information that will help us better understand your proposal?
Submit a Research Workshop Proposal
Important Dates
- Proposals are due Thursday, January 30, 2025, by Noon Mountain/Denver Time.
- Decisions will be made and sent out in mid-February
- Final agenda, pre-read materials, and logistics items are due 4 weeks before the event
- Registration opens: Late February
- A Planning Meeting will be coordinated by the ASHE Staff in advance of the event
Past Workshops Have Included:
- A Non-Technical and Critical Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Language Models, and Text-Centered Artificial Intelligence
- Automating Data Retrieval for Enhanced Reproducibility: Using Stata and R to 'Automagically' Download Labeled IPEDS Data
- Reframing Research Participants as Scholars: Engaging in Critical Race Methodologies to Interrupt the Status Quo of Knowledge Production
- Radically (Re)Imagining Qualitative Methodologies
- Blackness as Otherwise: Black Studies in Performance, Visual and Digital Scholarship
- Trauma Informed Qualitative Research Methods: Promoting Well-Being and Social Learning through Research
- Understanding the What, How, and Why of Participatory Action Research
- Identifying Students’ Social Networks through Online Surveys: An Introduction to Traditional and Emerging Methods of Name Generators and Interpreters
- Advanced Quantitative Methods for Policy Research in Higher Education
- Transformative/Emancipatory Research in Higher Education
- Exploring Social Justice through Mixed Methods Research: An Interactive Workshop
- Introduction to Phenomenology and using Post-Intentional Phenomenology Methods in Higher Education
- Humanizing Participants And Communities Throughout The Higher Education Research Process
- Understanding The Power And Potential Of Mixed Method Designs In Higher Education
- Wrestling With And Establishing Congruence In Critical Qualitative Research
- Decolonizing Qualitative Research in Higher Education
- Quantitative criticalism and social identity items in survey design
- Causal Inference for Policy Analysis in Higher Education
- Reciprocity in Higher Education Research
- Utilizing and Teaching Critical Approaches to Quantitative Research
- Community College Research
- Visual & Digital Performance Methods Workshop
- Introductory Guide to Visual Methods in Qualitative Research
- Re-Imagining & Actualizing Congruent Data Analysis In Qualitative Research
- Quantitative Session I: Reimagining Survey Design for Underrepresented Communities
- Using Quantitative Analysis to Focus on Racial Equity
If you have any questions, please contact ASHE Executive Director Dr. Jason P. Guilbeau at jason@ashe.ws.